The Indonesian Journal of Cancer Control (InaJCC) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal which publishes original articles, clinical studies, and review article which focuses on cancer control. The journal is governed by an editorial board, whose names and affiliations can be found here. This journal follows and adapts Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)’s Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing in managing all aspects of publication ethics and in ensuring a high ethical standard for all involved parties.


Editors of this journal are responsible for assisting authors in following the journal’s instructions for authors. Editors shall respect the confidentiality of manuscripts, including whether they have been received or being reviewed, feedback from reviewers, any edits, and the final decision on the manuscripts, to anyone other than the authors and reviewers. Reviewers shall not keep any manuscripts for their personal use and destroys any copies in their possession after submitting their review. This journal keeps copies of original submissions of manuscripts in addition to reviews, revisions, and correspondence to anticipate any questions or conflict in the future.


Authors must disclose previous presentation or publication of the article’s abstract and  ensure originality of their work and cite resources properly, without tendency to  plagiarize or self-plagiarism. Patients’ consent to be included in the article is mandatory and authors need to ensure that no information can reveal the identity of patients. Any sources for potential conflict of interest must be disclosed, and a disclosure statement of conflict of interest provided by the International Committee of Journal Editors (ICMJE) must be provided. Authors must follow ICMJE guidelines in determining authorship.


If research misconduct is encountered or purported, the publisher or editor willl follow COPE’s guidelines in dealing with such matters. This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, citation manipulation, data falsification or fabrication. All submitted articles are processed to determine level of similarity with other articles published around the web. Related parallels will be discussed with the authors for revision, to prevent plagiarism.


Medical research involving human subjects must be carried out in accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. Animal experimentations must comply with the  International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research as developed by the Council for International Organization of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and follow ARRIVE guidelines in reporting. All research protocols must be approved by the locally appointed ethics committee. All submitted articles need to adhere to relevant guidelines which can be found at (e.g CONSORT for clinical trialsCARE for case reports, etc). To date, InaJCC  is free of both article processing charges and publication charges.