The Indonesian Journal of Cancer Control (InaJCC) is a quadrimester electronic journal, publishing papers in a wide spectrum of cancer control. The journal was launched in 2021 as the official publication of The Indonesian Society of Oncology.

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): January - April 2024

Published: 2024-01-01

Frozen Section Tissue Staining For Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer in Mohs Micrographic Surgery

Irwan Saputra Batubara, Larisa Paramitha Wibawa, Adhimukti T Sampurna, Lis Surachmiati Suseno, Riesye Arisanty


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Article in Press

  1. Positive expression of TTF-1, P40, and cytokeratin 5/6 in NSCLC at Persahabatan Hospital. (Linda Masniari)
  2. Efficacy of gefitinib versus erlotinib as first-line treatment in EGFR mutant advanced lung adenocarcinoma. (Uun Unaedi)
  3. Marjolin's ulcer: A case series. (Dina Kusumawardhani)
  4. Skin metastases of lung adenocarcinoma: A case report. (Isti M Soetartio)
  5. Anticancer potential of panduratin A against NSCLC. (Silmi Hanifah)
  6. Comprehensive treatment of lung malignancy for meaningful survival. (Laksmi Wulandari)
  7. Profile of Exon 20 T790M mutation incidence rate with plasma ctDNA in lung adenocarcinoma patients receiving EGFR-TKI treatment at H. Adam Malik Medan Hospital. (Muhammad H Praditya)
  8. The influence of GCB and Non-GCB subtypes based on the Hans algorithm on 2 Year event free survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients who received RCHOP therapy. (Faisal Syarifuddin)
  9. Survival rate analysis of lung adenocarcinoma patients receiving EGFR-TKI treatment with carboplatin and paclitaxel chemotherapy in the Covid-19 pandemic at Dr. Hj. Abdul Moeloek Regional Public Hospital Bandar Lampung. (Sukarti)
  10. Multidisciplinary Approach in Prostate Cancer Management: Harmonizing the Role of Surgery, Radiation, and Systemic Therapy. (Dimas Priantono)
  11. The role of microbiome in skin cancer. (Nabila Zaneta)
  12. Comprehensive cancer management as an effort to improve the quality of cancer care in Indonesia in the pursuit of a Golden Indonesia. (Ikhwan Rinaldi)
  13. Clinical Audit of Beam Output of Cobalt-60 Teletherapy Unit at AECH-BINOR. (Zahid Khan)