The Indonesian Journal of Cancer Control (InaJCC) is a quadrimester electronic journal, publishing papers in a wide spectrum of cancer control. The journal was launched in 2021 as the official publication of The Indonesian Society of Oncology.
Current Issue
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): May - August 2024
Full Issue
Original Articles
Case Reports
Review Article
Article in Press
- Positive expression of TTF-1, P40, and cytokeratin 5/6 in NSCLC at Persahabatan Hospital. (Linda Masniari)
- Efficacy of gefitinib versus erlotinib as first-line treatment in EGFR mutant advanced lung adenocarcinoma. (Uun Unaedi)
- Marjolin's ulcer: A case series. (Dina Kusumawardhani)
- Skin metastases of lung adenocarcinoma: A case report. (Isti M Soetartio)
- Anticancer potential of panduratin A against NSCLC. (Silmi Hanifah)
- Comprehensive treatment of lung malignancy for meaningful survival. (Laksmi Wulandari)
- Profile of Exon 20 T790M mutation incidence rate with plasma ctDNA in lung adenocarcinoma patients receiving EGFR-TKI treatment at H. Adam Malik Medan Hospital. (Muhammad H Praditya)
- The influence of GCB and Non-GCB subtypes based on the Hans algorithm on 2 Year event free survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients who received RCHOP therapy. (Faisal Syarifuddin)
- Survival rate analysis of lung adenocarcinoma patients receiving EGFR-TKI treatment with carboplatin and paclitaxel chemotherapy in the Covid-19 pandemic at Dr. Hj. Abdul Moeloek Regional Public Hospital Bandar Lampung. (Sukarti)
- Multidisciplinary Approach in Prostate Cancer Management: Harmonizing the Role of Surgery, Radiation, and Systemic Therapy. (Dimas Priantono)
- The role of microbiome in skin cancer. (Nabila Zaneta)
- Comprehensive cancer management as an effort to improve the quality of cancer care in Indonesia in the pursuit of a Golden Indonesia. (Ikhwan Rinaldi)
- Clinical Audit of Beam Output of Cobalt-60 Teletherapy Unit at AECH-BINOR. (Zahid Khan)